Good employership
Best Onderwijs!
Learning network
starting teachers
Binnen Best Onderwijs vinden wij het belangrijk om jou als startende leraar goed te blijven begeleiden van startbekwaam naar basisbekwaam. Dit geven we vorm middels goede begeleiding op de werkvloer maar ook door het organiseren van leernetwerkbijeenkomsten. Vier momenten per schooljaar, vol met kennisdeling, verbinding en verdieping waarbij startende leraren met andere starters aan hun professionele ontwikkeling werken. Door met en van elkaar te leren, vergroten zij hun kennis en vaardigheden en ervaren zij dat ze eigenaar zijn van hun professionele ontwikkeling. Het leernetwerk wordt begeleid door de Talent Coach. Deze Talent Coach stemt de inhoud en activiteiten af op de vragen van de deelnemers en op de fase waarin het leernetwerk zich bevindt.
Best Onderwijs
motivates and facilitates
The professionalization and the meetings within the foundation lead to employees developing further as active, self-directed professionals. Best Onderwijs motivates and facilitates the ambitions and individuality of the schools and employees. Employees are challenged to further develop their professionalism in order to provide high-quality education.
There is an inter-school range of training courses. Of course, you can also take the initiative to further develop or specialize yourself. Annual organization Best Onderwijs de Conferentie LeerKRACHT. During this day you can participate in various educational and fun workshops to further develop your talents.
Will you be our
new colleague?
Within Best Onderwijs you can choose from different schools with their own dynamics and educational vision. There is always a school that fits your own vision and ambitions. Join us in the search for a suitable job.
*Item mag worden genegeerd*
Of course, the school team has to suit you. After all, having fun together is important. Many colleagues at Best Onderwijs describe their team as a nice group of people with whom you can be yourself and where you are seen and heard. Come and get to know our childcare centres, the directors and the team, or join us for a day! Then you will know immediately whether it clicks.
You use all your knowledge and experience and that of your colleagues to make the school and the children better and better. You are given the space to shape your lessons as you see fit, with all the creativity you want to use. You can use your talents, for example by specializing or organizing events. You receive trust, constructive feedback and support. At all schools we value a culture of honesty about what is going well and what could be better. Being open to reflection. Giving your opinion and listening to each other. Together with your team you make the best choices for your school and the children.
Your tailor-made career
There are many roads to Rome. And there are also different routes to become a teacher or educational assistant in primary education. Do you want to study full-time or does a part-time course suit your situation better? Or are you perhaps eligible for a two-year lateral entry programme? Your previous education, work experience and personal situation are important factors when you are orienting yourself on routes to teaching. Discover which route suits you!
Take action now
towards special careers
at Best Onderwijs
People make
Best Onderwijs Special
A valued person counts
for two and is shining for ten!
What makes Marly
Teacher assistant – De Klimboom
The art of being happy lies in the power to find happiness in the little things..
What makes
Director – De Klimboom
Don't dream your life, live your dreams!
What makes
Teacher – De Klimboom
Let the little things around you color your life!
What makes Jorg
Teacher – De Heydonck
Don't compare yourself to others, compare yourself to the person you were yesterday.
What makes
Teacher & reading coordinator – De Zevensprong
You learn the most beautiful things from happy teachers.
What makes Mariska special
Teacher – De Klimboom
Be proud of what you have achieved, even if you still have a thousand dreams. Make sure you also look at how far you have come!
What makes Manon special
Teacher – De Zevensprong
The most beautiful thing you can become is yourself!
where do you want to work?
Choose the vacancy that suits you!
Would you like to work at the Best Onderwijs foundation but have not yet found the ideal job?
Don't want to miss our latest vacancies? Create a vacancy alert and receive the vacancies that suit you in your mailbox. You can also send an open application! Send it to HR advisor Linda Bouwens.
Choose the childcare center that suits you!
In the greenest neighborhood,
you will find the Best school
where you are allowed
to learn from your mistakes
where you jump ahead
one jump at a time
You are unique, you are exactly right the way you are! You discover and learn in your own way. You learn from each other and meet each other at our school. You are given the space to learn in the way that you need. You are allowed to grow up with us and we are happy to help.
Platijn is a meeting place with a lively and peaceful atmosphere. It is a Brainport school that is in the middle of the neighborhood and society, where everyone feels welcome and where you can be who you are.
At BR!CKS we teach children to be partly responsible for their own learning process and development. The basis for this lies in offering fun, challenging, varied and valuable education and creating a safe and secure culture.
De Kiezel zorgt door middel van opvang en onderwijs voor opvoeding, ontwikkeling, educatie en ontspanning voor kinderen van 0-13 jaar. We werken hierbij met een mix tussen traditioneel en modern onderwijs.
The development (social and cognitive) of children does not have a fixed timeline. Everyone discovers in their own way at their own pace.
Visiting address
Raadhuisplein 30D 2nd floor
5683 EA Best
Mailing address
Postbus 275
5680 AG Best
Our child centers