Our heart beats for

good education

“our heart beats for
good education”

At our child-centers, we prepare children with contemporary and inspiring education for a life in a rapidly changing world. We work together on a continuous line in the development of children and stimulate them to be responsible and entrepreneurial. We help them to discover how to make sensible choices and the power of working together. In this way, children can develop most optimal and with the right equipment, shape their own future and contribute to the world around them. 

We work together with our employees to create a meaningful, challenging and professional workplace where their own expertise is of great value. They have all the space to contribute to our mission with their own ambition and passion. 

Contemporary education

Contemporary education offers children the right attitude, knowledge and skills to continue learning and developing. It is based on a climate of safety, structure and calmness, with the teacher being centered as 'the linchpin'. What we find important in our child-centers, is also to stimulate in collaboration with parents and partners in the neighborhoods. Contemporary education takes on the form, shape and content that suits the character of the school.

With good education we lay the best foundation for a happy, healthy and promising future for children.


core values

Administrative office

De professionals van het bestuurskantoor vormen de verbindende schakel tussen het College van Bestuur, de kindcentra en de GMR. Zij ondersteunen met raad en daad en dragen zo bij aan een fijne, veilige en gezonde leer- en werkomgeving voor iedereen die rechtstreeks bij Best Onderwijs betrokken is.

Anka van Lieshout

Financial administrative assistant
[email protected]

Joyce Mordang

Talent Coach
[email protected]

Linda Bouwens – Oosterbosch

HR Advisor
[email protected]

Linda van den Helm

Office Manager
[email protected]
SBO - Lous de Jong

Lous de Jong

Coordinator Passend Onderwijs
[email protected]

Well done
Better in action

Best in education

Executive Board

Willem Kock, as chairman of the Executive Board, manages the Best Education Foundation on a daily basis with pride and enthusiasm. The 'management' and 'supervision' are separated within the foundation. Willem Kock is seen as an energetic, connecting and far-sighted director. Someone whose heart beats for good education, someone who will work hard in the coming years to connect the village power with worldly ambitions!

Willem Kock

Chairman of the Executive Board
[email protected]

Supervisory Board

Als leden van de Raad van Toezicht houden we toezicht op de kwaliteit van het onderwijs, een doelmatige en rechtmatige besteding van de middelen en het gevoerde beleid van het College van Bestuur van stichting Best Onderwijs. Dat doet de RvT door primair intern toezicht te houden op het College van Bestuur. We zijn samengesteld uit vijf leden en vergaderen zeven tot negen keer per jaar met het College van Bestuur. Daarnaast hebben we twee keer per jaar overleg met de GMR. Maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid vormt de basis van ons toezicht. Om onze taak goed te kunnen uitvoeren verzamelen we informatie bij het College van Bestuur, de accountant, de onderwijsinspectie, interne en externe stakeholders, bezoeken we scholen en bijeenkomsten en gaan we soms zelf actief opzoek naar informatie.

Some of the key areas that we monitor are the quality of education, strategic multi-year plans, financial policy, housing, legislation and regulations, personnel and organizational policy and relationships with stakeholders.

Our internal supervision is guided by the Code of Good Governance and the Code of Good Supervision.

We assume the following principles:

  • Social responsibility
  • Integrity
  • Transparency and openness
  • Internal and external connection
  • Professionalism, professionalization and learning ability
  • Accountability

In addition to our supervisory role, we are also a soundboard for the Executive Board and we are the employer of the members of the board.

In the annual management report of the Stichting Best Onderwijs foundation, we account for our activities. Members can be a member of the Supervisory Board for a maximum of two times four years. One of the members is appointed via the Joint Works Council of Best Onderwijs.

Members Supervisory Board

  • Hans Haans – Chairman Supervisory Board, Academic Director Tilburg University
  • Mieke van Schijndel – Vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board, Formerly Inspector of Education
  • Ton Broeren – Member Supervisory Board
  • Ramon Viering – Member Supervisory Board

Hans Haans

Voorzitter RvT, Academic Director Tilburg University

Mieke van Schijndel

Vice-voorzitter RvT, Voorheen onderwijsinspecteur Sociaal Domein (Integraal Toezicht Jeugdzaken) en Inspecteur van het Onderwijs

Ton Broeren

Lid RvT

Ramon Viering

Lid RvT


We work with a supervisory framework that legitimizes our working methods.
The documents below apply.

#Our heart beats for

good education

Practical info and useful links

Useful links


Financial documents

The Joint Works Council (JWC)

The Joint Works Council (JWC) is a works council that can decide on or advise on a large number of subjects that the Executive Board of the foundation is introducing. In the JWC, each school is represented by two members: a member on behalf of the staff section and a member on behalf of the parent section of the Works Council of the primary school.
A delegation from the Executive Board attends the JWC meetings as an advisor. The tasks and powers of the JWC are laid down in a statute, just as in the case of the Works Council of the local primary schools,

The JWC only deals with common school overarching matters. It is up to the schools to determine what is school-specific (Works Council) and what is school overarching (JWC). Due to changes in legislation, the tasks of the JWC have been significantly expanded in recent years.

If you are a parent/caretaker of children at a Best Onderwijs school or a member of staff and would like to know more about the work of the JWC, you can contact the chair of the JWC, email address: [email protected].

Informatie voor ouders

*Item mag worden genegeerd*

In a child center, work is done according to one pedagogical vision on the development and education of the child.
Children are enabled to optimally develop their talents, continuous development lines, day arrangements and child-friendly care are inherent to this facility.
Organizations from childcare, playgroups and education can, on an equal basis, merge into these Child Centers 2020 and form 1 new organization.

Voor de aanmelding van uw kind op een van de basisscholen van stichting Best Onderwijs verwijzen wij u naar de informatie op de websites van de betreffende school.

Bekijk alle scholen

Choose the childcare center that suits you!

In the greenest neighborhood,
you will find the Best school
where you are allowed
to learn from your mistakes
where you jump ahead
one jump at a time

You are unique, you are exactly right the way you are! You discover and learn in your own way. You learn from each other and meet each other at our school. You are given the space to learn in the way that you need. You are allowed to grow up with us and we are happy to help.

Platijn is a meeting place with a lively and peaceful atmosphere. It is a Brainport school that is in the middle of the neighborhood and society, where everyone feels welcome and where you can be who you are. 

At BR!CKS we teach children to be partly responsible for their own learning process and development. The basis for this lies in offering fun, challenging, varied and valuable education and creating a safe and secure culture.

De Kiezel zorgt door middel van opvang en onderwijs voor opvoeding, ontwikkeling, educatie en ontspanning voor kinderen van 0-13 jaar. We werken hierbij met een mix tussen traditioneel en modern onderwijs.

The development (social and cognitive) of children does not have a fixed timeline. Everyone discovers in their own way at their own pace. 

Op ’t Erf
you learn how,
experience that
you can do it!
Op ’t Erf
you will become more wise!

Our child-centered approach ensures that we look beyond their cognitive development. We see the individual needs of children and connect with their developmental line.

Inspires with

contemporary education
