In our society you want to stand on your own two feet with confidence. Learn to think entrepreneurially, so that you see opportunities with which you create your own happiness and that of others.
Full confidence
Stichting Best Onderwijs
Inspires with
contemporary education
In this rapidly changing world, complexity increases and it is important that children develop broadly. This requires inspiring and contemporary education at our eight child centers, in which children strengthen their own wisdom, make sustainable and respectful choices, learn and collaborate independently, are aware of their qualities and present and develop them in an entrepreneurial way.
Small in size
rich through diversity.
Nearby and open
for your future.
Full confidence
with confidence.
Best Onderwijs
In our society you want to stand on your own two feet with confidence. Learn to think entrepreneurially, so that you see opportunities with which you create your own happiness and that of others.
Giving each other ideas, having fun at school, learning from yourself and others, looking at things differently, just dare to be and being yourself: that's how you inspire others.
Students, teachers, employees, parents and carers, the neighborhood, the municipality: without each other we are not complete. Seeing and hearing, respecting and helping the other: this is how we work together to actively build success and happiness.
When you chart your own course, freedoms and responsibilities arise. Learn how your choices affect others and the world and how to deal with them in a respectful way.
What excites you, makes you enthusiastic, that's where you want to grow. Invest in your talents, work on your perseverance and get the best out of yourself.
where do you want to work?
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Would you like to work at the Best Onderwijs foundation but have not yet found the ideal job?
Don't want to miss our latest vacancies? Create a vacancy alert and receive the vacancies that suit you in your mailbox. You can also send an open application! Send it to HR advisor Linda Bouwens.
find your school in the neighborhood
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What makes Marly
The art of being happy lies in the power to find happiness in the little things..
What makes Mariska
Be proud of what you have achieved, even if you still have a thousand dreams. Make sure you also look at how far you have come!
check us out on social media
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Visiting address
Raadhuisplein 30D 2nd floor
5683 EA Best
Mailing address
Postbus 275
5680 AG Best
Our child centers
Kijk ‘m shinen! Mooi hè. De bouw van Op 't Erf verloopt als gepland. En jawel…er gaat spoedig elektriciteit door de kabels. Complimenten aan Van der Horst aannemers ... See MoreSee Less
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Dat ziet er goed uit! Snel weer eens een bakkie bij jullie doen 😃
#houtskeletbouw Child center De Zevensprong Binnenkort eindelijk in 1 gebouw #NaturalBeauty Mooi hè @kettinghuls Aarts Bouw #larikshoutbouw ... See MoreSee Less
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Vacature leerkracht 0,4 fte unit 1/2/3* Op ‘t Erf. De volledige profielschets staat op onze website. Op 't Erf ... See MoreSee Less
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