Eight different child centers
with one heart that beats for good education!
Welke school past?
All our childcare centres stand for a good start, but you may not feel at home everywhere right away. And that feeling is important. That is why we advise you to visit the nearest schools before you register your child.
*Item mag worden genegeerd*
Child center BR!CKS
0499 371 216
Child center Antonius
0499 371 250
Child center De Heydonck
0499 372 398
Child center De Kiezel
0499 371 297
Child center De Klimboom
0499 310265
Child center De Zevensprong
0499 330 475
Child center Platijn
0499 375 750
Op ‘t Erf
Choose the childcare center that suits you!
In the greenest neighborhood,
you will find the Best school
where you are allowed
to learn from your mistakes
where you jump ahead
one jump at a time
You are unique, you are exactly right the way you are! You discover and learn in your own way. You learn from each other and meet each other at our school. You are given the space to learn in the way that you need. You are allowed to grow up with us and we are happy to help.
Platijn is a meeting place with a lively and peaceful atmosphere. It is a Brainport school that is in the middle of the neighborhood and society, where everyone feels welcome and where you can be who you are.
At BR!CKS we teach children to be partly responsible for their own learning process and development. The basis for this lies in offering fun, challenging, varied and valuable education and creating a safe and secure culture.
De Kiezel zorgt door middel van opvang en onderwijs voor opvoeding, ontwikkeling, educatie en ontspanning voor kinderen van 0-13 jaar. We werken hierbij met een mix tussen traditioneel en modern onderwijs.
The development (social and cognitive) of children does not have a fixed timeline. Everyone discovers in their own way at their own pace.
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Visiting address
Raadhuisplein 30D 2nd floor
5683 EA Best
Mailing address
Postbus 275
5680 AG Best
Our child centers
Kijk ‘m shinen! Mooi hè. De bouw van Op 't Erf verloopt als gepland. En jawel…er gaat spoedig elektriciteit door de kabels. Complimenten aan Van der Horst aannemers ... See MoreSee Less
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Dat ziet er goed uit! Snel weer eens een bakkie bij jullie doen 😃
#houtskeletbouw Child center De Zevensprong Binnenkort eindelijk in 1 gebouw #NaturalBeauty Mooi hè @kettinghuls Aarts Bouw #larikshoutbouw ... See MoreSee Less
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Vacature leerkracht 0,4 fte unit 1/2/3* Op ‘t Erf. De volledige profielschets staat op onze website. Op 't Erf ... See MoreSee Less
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